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Handwriting Help for Kids: A Trick for Letter Reversals ("b" & "d")

The Problem:

There are some "Age-Old" questions . . . How big is the universe? . . . What's infinity? . . . Does Big Foot exist?

And one that has frustrated children (and teachers) for years:

. . . How can you help kids stop reversing letters "b" and "d"?

The Background:

These two letters are often confused. At times, people flag this as a sign of dyslexia - but that is rarely the case. And there are strategies to help!

Here are a couple of these - with a freebie printout that you can tape to kids' desks at home or in the classroom to help them remember.

The Solution:

1- Visual Reminders:

letters "b" and "d" make the word "bed"

. . . see here?

Print, share, laminate this downloadable sheet!

Tape it right onto a child's desk so he or she can see a reminder throughout the day!

2- A Verbal Approach:

Auditory learners (like me!) do well with stories to help them remember things. I like the following scenario about "b" and "d" talking to each other. This story goes hand in hand with the visual above. So it will help reinforce the directions the "b" and "d" face.

Here it is:

"b" and "d" are talking to each other.

They talk RIGHT OVER "e"! How rude!

3- Letter Formation:

Generally, teachers form letters "b" and "d" in different ways:

The writing line for "b" starts at the top, goes straight down, then bounces up into a forward circle.

"d" typically starts with "c" then reaches way up, then down.

Reinforce the proper letter formation with kids. This helps them master the proper kinesthetic "feel" for these letters and that will actually work to reduce reversals.

If you enjoy this blog, Follow me on FACEBOOK for games, activities, and ideas to help kids master skills!

Lisa Marnell MS, OTR/L

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